Travel Mistakes to AVOID
Saving Money While Traveling
If you've spent any amount of time reading blogs written
by expert travelers, then you already know just how many
costly mistakes are made by those who fail to plan.
This includes failing to create an itinerary, overpacking
and not buying travel insurance.
But guess what one of the most common rookie mistakes is
made, even by seasoned travellers?
Buying too much!
You can spend all the time in the world carefully packing
and planning your trip so that you stay within budget but
it's was to walk into a travel shop or tourist attraction
and forget how little room you have left in your suitcase.
Over buying is so common that travelers are often forced
to purchase an extra suitcase or bag just to get their treasures
Don't make this mistake.
Instead, purchase only smaller items that you know you have
room for.
In addition, the issue of over buying might not happen only
during travel but before.
Often times, those who aren't used to traveling will purchase
many items they just don't need including money belts, hiking
shoes, special travel outfits and gear only to discover they
really didn't use any of it and it took up valuable space in
their luggage.
Plan each outfit carefully as well as every item you decide to
pack. If you aren't traveling overseas, chances are if you forget
something or you wind up needing something you didn't pack, you'll
be able to purchase it at a local shop at the same price anyway.
I'll be in back in touch tomorrow where we'll talk about the
importance of setting a budget before you travel.
Don't miss it!